Who Are These Alien Guys??
(Assuming of course there really are alien guys)
And the answer is, "I don't know." But I do have a strong feeling that the next level of consciousness up from where many humans now stand has a characteristic that is not discussed much at all. I have a strong feeling that "they" have an incredible sense of humor.
A sense of humor seems to be almost unique to humans. It's a source of joy - and it's also a sign of intelligence. Sure I know there will be some people who'll point out that chimps laugh their little butts off when they see another chimp fall out of a tree, or they'll remind me that Flipper sure sounds like he's laughing. But take either Bonzo or Flipper to a night at the Improv and I assure you they won't even crack a smile.
Think about this: All jokes are like little mental puzzles. They need to be figured out. Really ignorant people have no sense of humor. Hence the phrase, "do you get it?" "Getting a joke" is exactly like figuring out a puzzle or a riddle - only it's more fun. Really profound jokes can enlighten in a non-threatening way. Truly profound, "Got It!" moments in life often involve near hysterical feelings of humor and joy.
It's no coincidence that this comet will reach its closet point to the sun on April 1st!
I've hinted that I've been psychicly influenced since the discovery of this comet by something. I've never met a grey and never had an extremely close enounter, but "somebody" with an amazing sense of humor has been jacking with me since this whole comet saga began, or so it would seem. Sure seems funny from inside my skin.
Here's the 1st really funny thing. Of all the people in the world to report the "discovery"* of a strange thing in space - it was me - a guy who 4 years ago amused himself by sending fake faxes to about every media outlet in Houston. I was even dubbed 'The Mad Faxer' by the Houston Post. My faxes were funny lampoons of real events near and far. The identity of 'The Mad Faxer' was my secret for years. I never got any fame or money for being 'The Mad Faxer.' It was just fun.
Examples of my fake fax news releases and leaks...
A fake NASA fax - About me as an astronaut!!!
* I put "discovery" in quotes because I don't think for a minute that I was the first to discover this comet "anomaly" - just the first to shoot my mouth off about it. Clearly, government types have known about it for years although even now there are many things that they'll probably never figure out. They're not capable of "getting it.!"
I openly (and even proudly) admit that I have pulled some fun hoaxes in the past. The comet saga is not one of them.
(to be continued)